Yeshua is coming back for His Bride without spot or wrinkle!
Welcome to Without Spot or Wrinkle Ministries,
We are a unique Judeo-Christian Congregation with an Apostolic, end-times restoration anointing and a global mandate to restore the Bride of Christ, the Church, to her former glory. Ephesians 5:26 describes our mission to prepare the Church to be without spot or wrinkle, ready for the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Yeshua/Jesus Christ.
Our congregation is dedicated to fulfilling this mandate by restoring the individual through one-on-one apostolic prophetic counseling, discipleship based on Ephesians 4:11-16, and comprehensive teachings such as the Boot Camp Basic Series. We believe that restoring individuals can restore the Church as a whole. We are thrilled to be on this journey towards renewing the Bride of Christ and invite you to join us in this exciting endeavor.
At Without Spot or Wrinkle, we are passionate about studying and restoring the Church to her Hebrew roots, as outlined in Romans 11:17. Our belief in remnant theology guides us, recognizing that as Gentiles, we have been grafted into the Olive tree and the covenant God made with Abraham. We do not believe in separation or replacement theology; we acknowledge our place within the covenant community alongside Israel.
We study an Eastern Hebrew book written by Hebrews over 2000 years ago, and we serve a Hebrew Lord who had Hebrew disciples. Our goal is to follow the first-century Church, which was predominantly Hebrew. Through Christ, we are grafted into a Hebrew family, making it essential to study the Hebrew culture. This approach offers a refreshing, new, and exciting way to view the Bible. The Bible's mysterious phrases, puzzling actions, sometimes difficult-to-understand words of Yeshua/Jesus, unconventional holidays, and parables become clearer with an awareness of Hebrew culture.
We invite you to join us during this exciting time.
Our Weekly Service:
Sabbath/Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 12 Noon
Bible Study:
First Wednesday nights of the month, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
We are grateful for your interest and welcome you to our community!
May our Lord and Savior richly bless you with all heavenly blessings,
Reverend Benjamin and Dr. Patricia Venegas