By Dr. Patricia Venegas
Reflecting on my life and the countless blessings I have received, I cannot help but think of God's restorative power and how He has transformed my life. Despite my parents' challenges in conceiving me, God protected me in my mother's womb and allowed me to be born healthy against all odds. My life was once a barren desert, but God's love and compassion transformed it into a well-watered garden. I am a living testimony of God's redemption power and I am grateful for His restoration in my life.
I am sharing my story to shed light on the challenges I faced growing up in a dysfunctional and alcoholic household. From a young age, my parents' struggles with alcoholism and abusive behavior created a tumultuous environment filled with arguments, fights, and even police visits. The favoritism shown to me by my father only added to the tension between my parents, leaving me feeling deep resentment and rejection from my family.
Outside of home, I faced further hardships as I was teased and alienated at school due to my family's financial struggles. Wearing old and dirty clothes made me a target for ridicule and left me feeling isolated. To make matters worse, I also experienced various instances of molestation by different individuals, further distorting my understanding of love and leaving me vulnerable to manipulation.
By age 12, I had internalized the belief that I needed to please everyone to be loved and accepted. This distorted perception of love and the absence of healthy boundaries led me into a high-risk lifestyle. At the young age of 13, I found myself pregnant and ill-equipped to navigate the challenges of motherhood. I was a child raising a child. My story underscores the need for empathy and understanding for individuals facing similar experiences.
A Journey of Healing and Transformation
During my teenage years and early adulthood, I embarked on a quest for stability, love, and acceptance. Unfortunately, I encountered only emptiness and pain in dysfunctional and destructive relationships. Little did I know, God was working behind the scenes. What Satan meant for evil, God turned into good. As Christians, we often hide our scars and pain, but it's essential to remember that God can turn our scars into testimonies of victory. Through my struggles, God has transformed me and used my experiences to glorify His name. Today, I can testify that He has healed my wounds and removed the scars that once stagnated my spiritual growth.
Despite the immense adversity I faced, I have overcome the traumas of my childhood. It has been a long and arduous journey, but I share my story not for pity or sympathy, but to inspire others who may have experienced similar hardships.
No matter how difficult our past may be, it does not define our future. It is possible to break free from the cycle of dysfunction and trauma and create a life filled with love, fulfillment, and happiness. I hope that by sharing my story, I can offer hope and encouragement to others on their journey of healing and transformation.
Psalm 51:6 reminds us that God desires truth in the inner parts of our being. He longs to bring His truth into the closed doors of our hearts, dispelling the lies that Satan has imprisoned us with. While Satan may have caused hurt and destruction, Yeshua/Jesus has come to bring abundant life.
A Vision from God: Two Brides
In a vision from God, I saw two brides. The first bride was in a terrible state, in desperate need of preparation for her groom. The second bride, in contrast, was radiant, eagerly awaiting her groom. The Lord revealed to me that the first bride represents the church as it is today, while the second bride symbolizes the church He is returning for. This vision underscores the need for restoration, emphasizing the importance of inner healing and deliverance.
Restoration involves helping individuals find wholeness by allowing God's truth to penetrate the depths of their hearts. As we seek God's healing and deliverance, we can be transformed into trees of righteousness, planted by the Lord to glorify His name. Let us embrace this journey towards spiritual wholeness and prepare ourselves to be the radiant bride that Christ desires.